Posted on September 6, 2018 by jdixson1Gee and Cuddy Readings Annotations This was the biggest message I took away from Cuddy’s TED talk. Though it was not her main message, I took away that the best thing you can do in this world and today’s society is to simply be yourself, and the rest will take care of itself. Cuddy did a great job sharing her own success story to prove her message to the audience. She then shared the story of one of her business students, who had a very similar experience as her. By sharing this story, she exemplified that this problem is much more common than one may think, and gave the audience the belief that if it worked for this girl, than it could work for them as well. Gee gave a brilliant example of Discourses when mentioning two separate women in job interviews. The first woman he mentioned kept repeating the word “ok”. Due to her discourse, she was speaking to the interviewer as if they were in friends. However, due to the business Discourses, she did not sound professional and ready to work at the business she was interviewing for. Cuddy did a great job at sharing her success story with the audience using the method she was attempting to preach. She then shared a second story about one of her students who came to her with the exact same problem that she had previously faced. This makes the audience realize that this problem is much more evident in society than they may have realized, and gives the audience the idea that if it worked for this girl, than it could work for them as well!