Sam’s literacy narrative follows the structure of a “Success” narrative which I will be focusing on. Alexander says, “Students like Anna value the success master narrative as a lens through which they understand their literate experiences, and they do so by generalizing about literacy and its power of pointing to future success” (617). A quote from Sam’s paper that relates to this is, “As I continue to grow as a student and a person, I hope with time I can find excitement in all types of writing, no matter the topic” (5). Sam recognized is literate experience as a moment in which he discovered a love for writing. This early confidence stuck with him throughout his childhood and developing years and has benefited his literacy. He credits his experience for developing him into a good writer when writing about passionate topics.
Blake’s literacy narrative follows the structure of a “Hero” narrative that I am focusing on. Alexander says, “Because she tries hard enough, the story goes on, she is ultimately successful” (619). A quote from Blake’s paper relating to Alexander’s quote is, “I see now it was because she was holding me to a higher standard because she knew I had the ability to succeed in my work, but I would rush through it and not worry about it” (Beverage 2). Blake spent lots of time trying to find his mistake in his paper, which can be traced as similar to Anna’s struggle. Through perseverance and self motivation, both individuals were able to overcome their struggle and came out with new knowledge to their literacy power.
Kayla’s literacy narrative portrays her English teacher, Mr. Stritch has her literacy sponsor. Brandt says,” Sponsors, as I have come to think of them are any agents,… who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy” (556). A quote from Kayla’s literacy narrative that relates to this is “Freshmen year of high school my English teacher, Mr. Stritch, was the person who ruined writing for me” (Farrell 1). A person who suppresses literacy can still be considered as a sponsor of literacy as illustrated by Brandt’s quote. Mr. Stritch was responsible for Kayla’s education in the English subject, and he miserably failed to do so, thus withholding her from achieving as high a level of literacy as she had the opportunity for.
Just like in Blake’s literacy narrative, Hannah wrote a narrative that follows the “Hero” idea. A quote from Alexander is “Little narratives of hero, then, support the notion that specific versions of individual effort and hard work are the ultimate factors of literate success” (619). A quote from Hannah’s literacy narrative that indicates it’s identity is, “I was so proud of my paper, no acceptance letter or B minus was going to change that. I did everything I could to go above and beyond” (3). Using Alexander’s logic the hero narrative can be achieved if the protagonist puts in lots of hard work into his or her literacy. In this case, Hannah put everything she had into her paper, and despite not getting the high grade she may have been expecting, she was ultimately satisfied with her effort on the assignment.