Throughout the course of the semester we were required to complete four writing assignments that had to be two pages each. The goal of the assignment was to identify an environmental issue or event currently affecting the world and research it. I found this assignment to be enjoyable as I had the freedom to write about any topic I was interested in. On one of my assignments, I focused on the recent wildfires in California and their effects on the state.
This specific writing assignment stood out to me because of its content. I grew up in California and hold my home close to my heart. The fires were about two hours from my house, and I was excited to use this assignment as an opportunity to conduct research on this disaster and its effects on my home state. I learned lots of information through this assignment which such as the extremely poor air quality that affected civilians and the correlation between this event and climate change. I believe this sample represents this course in a few ways. My professor is very laid back and often has welcoming open discussions with the class about numerous environmental issues that we may be curious about. Professor Leblanc made learning fun, and allowed us to explore environmental issues in our own way and discover what really interested us in the subject. I enjoyed the writing assignments and every step along the way as I was able to learn lots of new information on environmental issues. Attached below is a link to my writing assignment.
Writing Assignment 2 Link: